South Sudan

March 08, 2019

Policy Framework 2013 - 2016

This Policy Framework and Work Plan (PFWP), 2013-2016 was developed in line with the framework of the Health Sector Development Plan 2012-2016 (HSDP) and the South Sudan Development Plan 2011-2013 (SSDP). It sets out the key policies, priorities, and actions that will be undertaken by the Ministry of Health (MoH) during the next four years to contribute to the attainment of the SSDP and HSDP goals. It was developed after broad and comprehensive consultation amongst the staff and technical working groups of the respective MoH directorates. Furthermore, the PFWP clearly illustrates how the organisational structure of the ministry promotes a synergy of collective actions to realise the mission of the MoH.

The priority actions within each directorate support this mission; to improve the health status of the population and provide quality health care to all of the people of South Sudan. Their implementation builds on the political will and commitment of the Government of the Republic of South Sudan to a healthy and productive population fully exercising its human potential; better health outcomes for all the citizens of South Sudan and a more productive economy, contributing to prosperity and the eradication of poverty.




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